Increase your sales by 84% by using this simple strategy

Did you know that nike used this simple strategy to increase their sales by 84%


I hope this finds you in a fragrance-filled mood!

Ready to smell something awesome?

Hey, did you know that Nike used Scent Marketing to make their customers feel more energetic and motivated, and as a result, they increased their sales by 84%?

Imagine walking into a store and being greeted by a delightful aroma that makes you feel happy, relaxed, and curious.

This is the power of scent marketing, a proven way to increase your sales and customer satisfaction and influence customers!

In Today's Topic you'll learn ;

  • What Is Scent Marketing?

  • Types Of Scent Marketing.

  • Why is it so effective?

  • How can you use It In your Business?

    So you are wondering How to use this in your business Right? 

    Okay, let me start with “What is Scent Marketing?”

Scent Marketing

We've all been to Starbucks for coffee, right? Even if they sell food, you won't smell it.

They do this cool thing called sensory marketing. It means they use nice smells to make us feel good and want to buy more stuff.

Instead of making the place smell like food, they mix the air with the awesome scents of coffee, vanilla, and spices. It's like a cozy smell party that makes us chill and enjoy our time there. It's not just a coffee stop; it's a place that smells nice to make us happy.

In a nutshell, Scent marketing is using pleasant smells to enhance the customer experience and influence behavior, creating positive associations with a brand or product. Businesses introduce specific fragrances in their spaces to evoke emotions, boost satisfaction, and potentially impact purchasing decisions.

Learn More: Scent Marketing

Power of Scent

Let's explore some  scent marketing strategies :

Each with its benefits and purpose based on the brand's goals and target audience. I have listed it below!

  • Scented Billboards: Outdoor advertisements that spray a specific scent related to the product or service.

  • Signature scents: Designed to represent a brand and its values.

  • Ambient scenting: To create a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere in a space.

  • Theme scenting: Use of scents to match the theme or the concept of a space.

 Science Behind the Scent & Why it is so effective?
Researchers have shown that humans can recall scents with 65% accuracy a year after being exposed to them, and scent marketing can increase sales and customer satisfaction.

Find Out More Here:

How to Implement Scent Marketing In Your Business?

  1. Before creating a fragrance, identify brand values and messaging to align with brand identity. This creates a cohesive customer experience.

  2. Choose the perfect scent for your brand, Different scents trigger specific emotions and vibes when inhaled, similar to colors.

    For example, the Lemon scent is energizing and ideal for a gym. Cinnamon, dill, and allspice evoke material success, perfect for banks, investing firms, and offices.
    If you have been dreaming of creating a unique and distinct fragrance for your brand, you can seek the help of a perfumer who can help you translate your brand statement into a scent.

  3. It is important to choose the right fragrance diffusion method for your business. Determine which method best suits your business's needs and desired effect, such as using scent machines, diffusers, or scented candles.

To enhance your fragrance marketing strategy, it is important to monitor customer feedback closely. By doing so, you can get valuable insights into their preferences and refine your fragrance and diffusion method accordingly.

Continuously testing and adjusting your approach will help you optimize your marketing strategy and create a better customer experience.

So, the next time you catch a pleasant scent, remember, that it's not just a smell; it's a Scent marketing strategy working its magic!

I hope this  helps you,

Thank you!